Thursday, June 5, 2008

Shane's Military Send-off

Well, here I am resting peacefully in the soothing bed that Shane & I would normally be sharing. I am finding strength and security as I think back 24 hours ago when we were engaged in our final moments together. Now, I am breathing free and easy. Then, I felt like I could suffocate at any moment. Now, I just can't help but smile a slow and easy smile when I think of him. Then, I couldn't breathe deep or long enough to keep the tears from flowing. Now, I am strangely aware of his presence in my life even with his absence. Then, the weight of his head on my chest was so all consuming that I thought I might break in half. Now, I allow myself to enjoy the sleep that awaits me. Then, sleep was the enemy of our time together.

It has begun. This day is just moments from being over and I am so relieved. I want to sit and write about my experience today, but I am just overcome by fatigue. Hopefully the words that I have chosen to share will at least begin to communicate the richness I share with Shane and the wonderful peace that God has poured down on me today.


Betty Anne said...

I cry reading this. I am full as I hear your love for Shane and the security you have there that allows you to be at peace whether he is with you or apart from you. What a beautiful relationship you are allowing God to develop between you two. I know this has been hard for your mother to watch you and the kids go through the separation. I love you and continue to pray for you and your family. You are preciuos to me!

40-dayturnaround said...

Sara, what a beautiful expression of the peace of God. You and Shane are prayed for every morning.